Trying to use the Easyports you might face problems with the USB connestion
Probably something went wrong when you typed your licence name and
licence key during the installation process. Proceed to the folder where
you installed the software (normally: "C:\program
files\didactic\FluidLab-PA\"). Open the file "FGB.ini" with an editor of
your choice.
In the first line enter your licence name, in the
second line enter your licence key. Watch out for upper and lower case
Save the file and restart the software.
Windows 7 problem: If you install something at C:\program files\.. than after installation you don't habve the right anymore to write into files. You have to changed the settings of the folders “Program files”, by right mouse click onto the folder and change the security level to “read and write for all folders”.
The LabVIEW© Runtime environment has not been installed.
The software is configured for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. Change the display settings of Windows©.
Check the settings of the graph (settings of minimum and maximum values of the axis).
Check the colour settings of the graph (white on white?)
Check the filter settings (window „Settings“)
A previous version of the LabViEW© Runtime Engine (older than version 7.1) has been installed on your computer.
When you are using Windows© XP, choose the following settings:
- Design: Windows – classic
- Screen resolution: 1024 x 768
- Display: 96 dpi
ADIRO Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Limburgstraße 40
73734 Esslingen
Tel.: +49(0)711/919904-0
E-Mail: info(at)