Training in PA – in Germany and Singapore

Training in PA – in Germany and Singapore This article covers two training events and demonstrates the rapidly growing high level of interest in different aspects of our Process Automation prod-uct range.

In March 2010 training for the experts in process automation was held at Festo Didactic Headquarters.

Colleagues from many different Festo companies and dealers took part, - BG, DZ, IN, JP, NG SA, SG, SK, SY and TH. At first we had an overview about process automation, assembled EduKit PA and used the NEW FluidLab®-PA process.

Hartmut Braun gave us an overview about e- learning and we generated a typical course in process automation in the classroom manager.
On the second day we learned about MPS® PA Compact-Workstation, the different MPS® PA Stations up to MPS® PA 204.

The feedback of the training was very positive and the participants liked the hands on training very much.

Training in PA – in Germany and Singapore

This was followed by a second set of training in Singapore:
On May 8th Jürgen Helmich from ADIRO - the competence centre for process automation of Festo Didactic – started a full week of workshops in process automation in Singapore. He visited many customers to present new prod-ucts, commissioning of new systems and held advanced training in PA. The 1st day took place at Singapore Poly-technic (SP) with two standard MPS PA Stations (filtration and mixing). This was followed on Day 2 by training on a standard MPS PA Compact Workstation.
Day 3 was starting up and commission-ing the new multi control MPS PA set at SP, where several process values inter-act and are controlled by PID control-lers. It’s a customized solution de-signed for SP extending and adapting the MPS® PA Reactor station and MPS® PA Compact Workstation to the training demands. A special projected Mini-DCS software was designed with LabView to control the training stations with EasyPort USB.

The next day was at Temasek Polytech-nic to present the EduKit PA – just to start up with process automation. They really liked the new Software Fluid Lab®-PA process which eases the con-trol of the EduKit PA.

This was followed by a workshop at Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP). Hands on training with filtration and mixing as well as installing a JUMO controller- The cables were missing, so we had to make our own to start the workshop.
Last but not least Jürgen Helmich gave an internal advanced training to our Festo colleagues.

Training in PA – in Germany and Singapore

And what is happening next? An MPS® PA 204 Complete system has been sold to a vocational school in Fukushima Prefecture in Japan.

The system consists of the Filtering, Mixing, Reactor and Filling stations with FUJI PLC and touch panels which were integrated and programmed by F-JP and Fuji electric.

In August, a hands-on training with MPS® PA will take place at F-JP.


If you’re interested in training on PA products contact Dirk Zitzmann



ADIRO Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Limburgstraße 40
73734 Esslingen
Tel.: (49) 0711/919904-0
E-Mail: info(at)

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